Sadist serial killer.

Lynette! This pic has no link to my bag LOLOL! >.<
SUPPPPPPPPPPSXZ another week passed so fast WLAO which means one month will past even faster and then one year! D: Okay anw class ain't exactly hairpee (hweetengsxz) or sad or whatever O.O Ytd mr.tan had serious talk with us about grades and everything cos we were really noisy I guess >.<>
I pray that I can survive chinese for the whole year srsly cos we have to learn new things like chinese summary (?!) and some cheem cheem looking deep deep into passages and then make many notes WTHSXZ can faint T.T And CJY got mood swings and she confiscates handphones if you dont do homework WLAO like OPG! >.<>
Trainings are hyper time for me HAHAHAHAAH cos I see people who make me high like OM and team! <3>
Friendly is tmr and it doesn't feel like it &I have to wake up at some unearthly hour at 5am tmr ON A WEEKEND but I will persevere thank you DVN and E!!! &DVN I got good record for 2 weeks alry hor hor hor! xD HAHAHAHA. But I pinned up my fringe for 1 week only (okay I know I have no determination in this aspect -.-) HAHAAH lose alry lor! >.<
Okay it's time to go do homework (FAKE) tadaaaa! :D
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