AHSoftball guys match &La Danse Finale! :D
Was getting real bored so we went to throw catch, I was lucky enough not to get a stinky glove heehee! :D Went to bedok reservoir area with vanessa cos we were contemplating whether to go treat my arm ot but the doc was only available @noon WTHSXZ so much for flipping coins and choosing 1 or 2 not! >.<
Took 2hours to decide what to wear for AHBand concert zai hor! -.- Saw alot of AHS people @the station damn paiseh la wlao eh! )): Then I saw Kenneth and Ken and I was reminded THAT I FORGET TO BRING MY TICKETS ALONG WITH ME!!! Stoned while waiting for Tyan, &she came with Mandy &KOK! xD
Luckily the Guides were kind enough to let me in (: Crapped alot, Nigel YT KY Elon Caleb Kieth &gang came to sit behind us and Nigel had to wear his hawt pink FBTS cos it was his birthday and the gang bought it for him! :D Went to take pics during the interval &then went to the hall upstairs (I dunno what is that place called) cos CX was there and then the gang was there too! (: They taupok-ed the birthday boy like twice and Nigel once! Super fun time upstairs xD KOK was oogling @**** Whoops! xP
Fun time out since a long long time. Nice performance AHBand! <3
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